In her Budget speech, Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman said that a legislation to be introduced to setup Higher Education Commission of India as an umbrella body with four separate vehicles for standard-setting, accreditation, regulation, and funding. She also announced creation of formal umbrella structure to cover all Govt. colleges, universities, research institutions in a city for greater synergy.
“Many of our cities have various research institutions, universities, and colleges supported by the Government of India. Hyderabad for example, has about 40 such major institutions. In 9 such cities, we will create formal umbrella structures so that these institutes can have better synergy, while also retaining their autonomy. A glue grant will be set aside for this purpose”, said Smt. Sitharaman.
A Central University will come up in Leh for accessibility of higher education in Ladakh. National Research Foundation announced in July 2019 get Rs. 50,000 crore outlay over 5 years to strengthen overall research ecosystem with focus on national-priority thrust areas.
In School Education, 15,000 schools to be strengthened by implementing all NEP components. Shall act as exemplar schools in their regions for mentoring others.
100 new Sainik Schools to be set up in partnership with NGOs/private schools/states. Also, 750 Eklavya model residential schools in tribal areas will be set up.
Revamped Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for welfare of SCs enhanced Central Assistance for 6 years till 2025-2026 at Rs. 35,219 crore , will benefit 4 crore SC students.
In skilling, Rs. 3000 crore for realignment of existing National Apprenticeship Training Scheme (NATS) towards post-education apprenticeship, training of graduates and diploma holders in Engineering was announced. There is a proposed amendment to Apprenticeship Act in the budget.
Initiatives for partnership with other countries in skilling to be taken forward, similar to partnership:With UAE to benchmark skill qualifications, assessment, certification, and deployment of certified workforce. With Japan for a collaborative Training Inter Training Programme (TITP) to transfer of skills, technique and knowledge