Rajesh Rawat, Chairman, Bhagwanpur Industries Association, GM Exide Industries while welcoming the interactive session said this kind of industry-academia session, is in fact need of the hour and his members were lucky to have this opportunity with a leading IIT of the country, “Using the latest technologies, we will also spot opportunities for new products, services, and markets, “
During the event, Professors from IIT Roorkee delivered talks on the latest advancements in engineering and technology and explained to industries how to adopt these. They also made a general assessment of the current state of technology in the industry and proposed practical solutions to deal with the problems raised by various industrial units.
Prof. Shushil Kumar, while highlighting the details of the TechSarthi initiative, informed that under this initiative, the team of experts from IIT Roorkee would visit them to provide information on existing know-how and development of future technologies. Besides, IIT Roorkee will intervene in capacity building, up-gradation of shop floor technologies, and software development and apps for the local industry that will cater to supply chain solutions, user experience, interface design, remote monitoring and control, web interface and dashboards.
This was followed by a presentation from Prof. Amit Choudhary on the world-class research facilities with the IIT-Roorkee and available to industries through the I-STEM portal.
Prof. P.K Jha & Prof. Debrupa Lahiri explained the latest trends in materials and manufacturing. Both Professors also briefed the industry on the active projects that have been undertaken for product/process development under TechSarthi.
Industries desirous of assistance under the initiative may contact IIT Roorkee through email at 175years.techsarthi@iitr.ac.in.
Talking about the event, Prof. Ajit K Chaturvedi, Director, IIT Roorkee, highlighted the objective of the initiative and said, “Industry and academia often appreciate the need to work together. The TechSarthi initiative will seek to identify IIT Roorkee’s research capabilities which align with the industry requirements. It will provide opportunities for the two stakeholders to interact, thereby providing avenues to the industry for modernising and enhancing the impact of their business.”
The TechSarthi team from IIT Roorkee included Prof. Meenakshi Rawat, Prof. Prabhat Mandal, Prof. Indranil Lahiri, Prof. Varun Sharma, Prof. Gaurav Sharma, Mr. Vishal Tiwari, and students from different engineering disciplines.