Unicus Olympiads, a leading name in summer academic competitions, has announced registration for the Summer Olympiad Exams is now open for the 2025 academic season. The Olympiad offers students from Grades 1 to 11 the unique opportunity to test their knowledge based on the syllabus of their previous grade, helping them solidify concepts and prepare for future academic challenges.
Unicus Olympiads assesses students’ practical application of concepts based on what they have studied.
For example, if you’re in 3rd grade in the 2024-25 school year, you’ll be tested on topics from the 2023-24 and 2022-23 school years. This ensures a fair evaluation of students’ knowledge and skills based on what they’ve already studied.
List of Unicus Summer Olympiad Exams
- Unicus Mathematics Olympiad (UMO)
- Unicus Science Olympiad (USO)
- Unicus English Olympiad (UEO)
- Unicus General Knowledge Olympiad (UGKO)
- Unicus Critical Thinking Olympiad (UCTO)
Note: The exam is scheduled to take place in the month of July 2025.
How to register
Registering for the Olympiad Exams is simple and straightforward. Follow these steps to get started:
- Go to the Unicus Olympiads’ official website, www.unicusolympiads.com.
- Explore the list of available Olympiad exams such as Mathematics, Science, English and others.
- Select the exam(s) you wish to register for.
- If your school is participating, you can register through your school also.
- For individual registrations, click on the “Individual Registration” section on the website.
Award and prizes
For participants appearing for Grades 2 to 11, the awards and recognition are as follows:
- Overall top 3 participants in each subject from classes 2-11 will be awarded with Scholar’s Trophy and Certificate of Excellence.
- Top 3 participants (registered through school) from every school with more than 25 participants in a class appearing for Olympiad exam will be awarded with a Gold Medal and a Certificate of Excellence.
- Top 10% of overall participants or those who have zonal ranks less than or equal to 10 will be awarded with a Gold Medal and a Certificate of Excellence.
- Top 25% participants will be awarded with a Certificate of Excellence.
- Top 25 to 50% participants will be eligible for a digital Appreciation Certificate. Participants registered though school will get a hard copy of Appreciation Certificate.
For participants appearing for Grade 1, the awards and recognition are as follows:
- All participants scoring more than 60% will be sent a Certificate of Excellence and a Medal
- Remaining participants will be awarded as a digital Certificate of Participation. This will be available in the dashboard of the participant.
- No ranks or percentile will be declared for all the participants.
Exam fees
For Grades 1-11, exam fee is INR 225 for students studying and enrolling from India. For students who are studying and residing outside of India, it will cost them USD 15.
If you are new to Unicus Olympiads, you can register here: