21K School, India’s first online school, announced its Summer School Program starting from 19th April to 29th May 2021 for students from Kindergarten to Grade 8th from over 30 cities across eight countries. The Summer School Program would focus on skill development and equipping students with the right aptitude for advancement in the real world per their age.
The Programme was inaugurated by Mr. Nitin Padte, an educator par excellence with over 20 years of experience working with some of the best schools in the country. The designed modules emphasising life skills will be offered to students as workshops, guest lectures and courses delivered by professionals and domain experts from India and abroad. Some of the activities include Yoga, Mindfulness, Fundamental Movements, Brain Hack, Shlokas Made Fun, Poetry & creative writing, Storytelling, Coding, Clay Moulding, Photography, Multimedia, Vedic Maths, Culinary skills and more.
Commenting on the launch, Yeshwanth Raj Parasmal, Co-founder and Director from 21K School, said, “Summer School Programme is designed to supplement the academic learning through the year. Our students were fantastic, learning the regular curriculum online last year. Now is the time to celebrate the learning and sharpen the life-skills along with some fun activities delivered through experts from India and abroad.”
He further added, “We would like to encourage students across the country to enrol in the program to further build on their life skills. This is also a great way to focus on developing calibre and proficiencies that would help them approach real-world challenges more efficiently.”
The six-week program is designed to help students develop life skills, working with their peers and teachers in a structured manner.