Oswaal Books, an Agra-based leading educational publisher, has been named among India’s most significant consumer-voted award for product innovation and added to the winner list of France’s “Product of the Year 2022” winners. PoY 2022 has acknowledged Oswaal Books’ tremendous efforts in the field of education in the sample question paper category.
The “Product of the Year” award demonstrates consumer choice of quality products in their markets in over 70 countries around the globe. Backed by the votes of an exceptionally large consumer base, POY rewards manufacturers for their innovation and quality. Nielsen conducts a study with a representative sample of the Indian population – therefore reflecting the opinions of the nation rather than a group of subscribers to one magazine or volunteers.
Prashant Jain, CEO of Oswaal Books, expressed happiness and attributed the win to the students of India for their love and faith in Oswaal Books, “ We’re happy to win the award and extremely happy to know that students are reading our content. We promise to serve the best to students in the forthcoming years too. Together we’ll build a better future for India and Indian education. ”
The 37-year old Oswaal Books Company owes its unprecedented popularity students across CBSE, ISC, ICSE, CAT, JEE, NEET, CLAT, RRB NTPC lapping up its help (guide) publications that have proved useful. Sales of the CBSE and other help books have resulted in sequential revenue growth of 40% in FY22 for Oswaal Books. According to company handout more than three million students entrust their educational preparation to Oswaal Books’ guidelines every year and reap the fruits of their efforts. “The immense popularity Oswaal Books has amassed is evident through the inordinate trust educators of India put into it,” it said. During the covid19 period, the company developed a edtech product called Oswaal 360, a one-of-its-kind specialized online test preparation platform, which is also a big success.