Online entries are invited for #AICTE #LilavatiAward 2021-22 to recognize work done by team from eligible AICTE approved institutions who have contributed significant work in last two years in area of #WomenEmpowerment. AICTEs Lilavati Award 2021-22 intends to seek applications from the eligible teams, who have undertaken remarkable intervention for the cause and made an impact, in the form of a short video clip (not more than 4-5 minutes’ duration) that showcases their work under the following eight sub- themes:
- Women & Adolescent Health
- Self Defence
- Environment, Sanitation And Hygiene
- Literacy and Life Skills
- Women Entrepreneurship
- Legal Awareness
- Technology for Women
- Women Innovators (Rural/Urban)
Eligibility : For AICTEs Lilavati Award- 2021-22, entries are invited under the category Institutional/ Team Level comprises either of students/ faculty/ both from AICTE approved technical institution / Deemed to be University who had undertaken remarkable intervention in the various sub-themes and made an impact in the society. The team has to showcase their work undertaken in thelast two years from the date of announcement of the award for the cause of women empowerment. The maximum team size will be 5 members having a minimum of 2 (two) women members.
A committee of experts shall be formed to shortlist the eligible team. For the purpose of short-listing, the team will submit summary pre/ post interventions in form of statistics/data, abstract of work/community interventions and videos. The final review will be presentations from the participants in online/face to face mode. Based on the recommendation of the committee, the Council shall announce the awardees.
The award in the form of prize money will be given to the 24 winning team(three under each sub-themes) as follows:
- Winner: Rs. 1,00,000/- 2. First Runner-up: Rs. 75,000/- 3. Second Runner-up: Rs. 50,000/- The Council intends to recognize the contribution of 24 institutions of the winning team, by means of Appreciation Certificate.
Last Date Last date for the submission of the online entry for the AICTEs Lilavati Award-2020 is 31st January 2022. Details: