The biennial IndiaSkills 2023-24, the national skills competition, is coming up this year. The registration deadline for the competition has been now extended until 15th January 2024.
The extended timeline will accommodate the growing interest from the candidates and will ensure that all the potential participants have sufficient time to complete their registrations and be a part of this prestigious event.
Registration has commenced on the Skill India Digital website. Aspirants from across India can showcase their talents and skills. The competition moves through a set of stages at the District, State, Zonal, and National levels- with the ultimate reward being the chance to represent India in the WorldSkills Competition at Lyon, France, in 2024.
There are over 60 categories within the competition including Construction and Building Technology, Automotive Technology, Fashion designing, Hair Dressing, Baking, Industry 4.0, Cyber Security and much more. This inclusivity not only widens the scope for individual excellence but also encourages collaboration among various sectors.