Avidii, an on-demand EdTech platformhas announced an Olympiad for 500 schools in Assam with a goal to help students from marginalized communities by scholarships. The Olympiad is specifically tailored for school students who aspire to pursue careers in engineering, medicine and government services. The focus is on students who face socio-economic disadvantage and limited access to quality education. By addressing the educational and socio-economic gaps, the Olympiad aims to provide equal opportunities and empower these students to break free from the cycle of marginalization. Avidii has collaborated with Scordemy, Lalan Coaching Classes, School on Web and School e-diary to facilitate the Olympiad seamlessly.
Deepak Subbarao, Co-Founder, Avidii, said, “The focus of the Olympiad is to address the holistic development of such students, including academic preparation, emotional well-being and access to digital resources. This Olympiad will provide a platform for students to showcase their academic talents which can be further honed to provide adequate support in future. The programme encourages students’ talents, aspirations and self-belief by creating an inclusive and supportive environment,” he added.
The Olympiad will also offer a life-changing opportunity for these students by providing scholarships to the top performers.
Website: https://avidii.com/in